Thursday, March 31, 2011

Crazy Christmas

Have you ever had one of those days where you fall asleep in such a great mood, and don’t know how the day could have been any better? That’s how I felt on December 24, 2010. This was my favorite Christmas for my dad’s side of the family because of all the fun, laughter, and glamorous Chirstmas fever!
Nine am rolls around the corner; I woke up right as my alarm is in the middle of the song, “Stuck in the Moment”,by Justin Bieber. I got up instantly and walked to the bathroom to turn on my flat iron. Next I walked back into my room to figure out what to wear for the day. Finally I picked out a pair of jeans: a white tank top and a new gray cardigan. After I walked into the bathroom again to finish straightening all my unwanted wavy, poufy, and curly hair, suddenly it was 10:15 my dad came to pick us up in his big red truck from my mom’s house.
As we pull into our very short driveway, you could see my grandpa trying to figure out where to park. My dad, sister, and I directed him into a vacant lot across the street. We walked out of my dad’s truck and into the house and all you could smell is roast beef, chicken, cheesy potatoes and fresh veggies that Linda, my dad’s girlfriend, has been cooking since early this morning. My grandpa walks in a couple minutes after everyone else with a large platter of cookies, but more importantly he also brought shrimp.
Around twelve pm Jack, eleven, Kate, nine, Megg, seven, Aunt Beth, and Uncle Kent walked into my family’s new home. Jack, Kate and Megg were anxiously waiting for Ben, ten, Hunter, twelve, and Sammie ,21, to show up so everyone could start unwrapping their gifts. Shortly after they showed up; everyone seemed hungry, and excited to see what they were going to get : we were ready to celebrate the holidays.
Everyone eats a little bit while sitting in a circle looking left to right wondering what presents are mine, or which one will I open first. After all the presents were passed out we count to three to open presents. One-two-three! All you could see is wrapping paper, and tissue flying through the air and the little screams of “YES”, and , “Just what I wanted”, drifted through the air. I got a Justin Bieber book, yoga pants from Victoria’s Secret, and a new flat iron. Unlike all the littler kids who got Zhu-Zhu Pets, Nerf Guns, or Hex bugs Nano.
Later that night we all grabed our swimsuits and took a dip into our hot tub! Imagine a four person hot tub with around ten kids inside! One by one each left and went back into the house. The last few people were Kate, Megg, and I who had to replace the cover and make sure everything was hooked up tight. As we walk in shivering, I frantically look for three towels; after I find them we ran upstairs to get dressed. As I washed my hair so the hot tub water wouldn’t damage my hair, my sister sang my family a song while playing a guitar.
Later I go down the stairs and see my family getting their food and drinks for a great Christmas dinner. I got my food last out of everyone, grabbing cheesy potatoes, some fresh veggies, and a chicken sandwich. After the meal was done we had a quick game of Apples to Apples; I won the game!My family started to leave until it was down to my dad, Linda, Taylor, my sister 15, my grandpa, and me. After a long day we all hit the hay happy as a clam. While lying in bed I thought, “I wish this Christmas would never end!” Chirstmas fever surely came to me and my whole family that one very beautiful snowy day