Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Alike In Many Ways

Alyssa Czerwinski
Ms.Hanson 4th hour
Alike In Many Ways
Authors note: This is a five paragraph essay explaining how the books The Hunger Games and War Comes to Willy Freeman are similar and different.
            I never thought the book War Comes to Willy Freeman, by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier, and The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins, would be alike in so many ways. But little as I know it, they have many of the same themes. Some of the themes they have in common are the loss of innocence, and the importance of family. Although, there are numerous differences.
            First of all a huge similarity between these books is the importance of family. They both went to large lengths to save their families. Like Katniss, from The Hunger Games, took her sisters spot in the hunger games because she was twelve, the youngest age to join. Willy traveled the world to look for her mother not ever knowing if she was alive or not. It’s crazy how they could do something that thoughtful to try to save a family member.
            In addition’ another similarity is the theme of loss of innocence. Katniss, from The Hunger Games, had to mature when she was thirteen because of her dad dying. The way she matured is she started hunting, gathering, and selling. She may have done some of it illegally but she knew that’s what she had to do to save her family. When Willy’s dad, Jordan Freeman, died she just knew she had to run home and tell ma. But once she realized ma wasn’t there she knew there must be trouble and she started her journey across the U.S.
            On the other hand there are also many differences. Like how The Hunger Games is based on the future with little to no historical facts. This is the exact opposite of War Comes to Willy Freeman, it’s based on the past and has many historical events and people. Some of the people that were real are Jack Arabus  who was supposed to play Willy’s uncle, and Captain Thomas Ivers also was real.
            In conclusion there are many similarities between The Hunger Games and War Comes to Willy Freeman. Although there is also differences like weather is past tense or future tense. That is a couple of reasons why these books are alike and different.

1 comment:

  1. Really nice introduction!It persuades the reader. I would reread the paragraphs so they have a little more flow. Anyways, good gob!
