Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Worst Possible Outcome

Alyssa Czerwinski
Mrs.Reagles 2nd hour
The Worst Possible Outcome
 The votes came in, and I had a ton of hope. The votes had just been double checked and the owner of the company is… Elden! Most of the crowd gasped, some just smiled and clapped. I couldn’t move; I was frozen with my mouth wide open thinking how could that inspiring speech not mean anything to the audience?
I began to speak; my voice sounded crackly because I was trying to hold back the tears, “I can’t believe any of you! How could you choose Elden? Didn’t you hear me say that he tried to take my job because he felt threatened!?” I could see in Mrs.Gladstones eyes that she couldn’t breathe, almost as if she was choking… Oh god, she is choking! But not on anything her heart stop and she was gasping for breath. I couldn’t watch as a stockholder tried to revive her. It was too, late she was gone. She died from the pressure of being perfect. I wish I didn’t get her hopes up just to push her down again.
Well this is an awkward ride home. I have to drive myself home with Mrs.Gladstone car but not her. I will never stand up for myself ever again no matter who it is for. Right when I got home I saw my mom and Faith they were so happy to see me but they could see in my eyes disperse and even more stress than I had before the trip. I turned my head because of a roaring noise coming up the street only to see my dad for the last time; I guess you could also say the last time anyone has seen me too. My dad hit me with his car so hard that I was dead from the instant he hit. I saw him get out of his car and ask, “Hey Jenna Girl you’re not looking to good. Are you sick?”

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