Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Max is EVIL

Alyssa Czerwinski
Mrs.Reagles 2nd hour
Max is Evil
Authors Note: Persuasive essay explaining why my dog Max is crazy and evil.  

        About a year ago I bought my newest puppy, Max. When we bought him we thought he would be sweet because he was the only one not barking at the pet store… We were wrong, almost instantly when we got home he started making figure eights around my dining room and living room!  Max may seem nice but on the inside he’s a devil in many ways.
          First of all I have a pet cat. Ever since I got Max I can’t even let her out of her room without Max attacking her. She used to be able to roam the house without any discomfort and now she has to sleep and live in a closet. How horrible does that sound? Therefore because of Max, Cali, my cat, will have to live in a small room until he matures and settles down.
         Sure, Max is cute sometimes -- well, only at night. He cuddles into a ball and just sleeps so soundlessly. One day when I woke up I found him sticking his head out of the blankets and just having his body under the covers. I wish Max always was that cute but normally as soon as he wakes up he goes crazy!
          Max likes to bark. I don’t mean a little, I mean A LOT. Sometimes at cars other times at a wall no matter what you hear him bark at least once an hour. Even though Max is only 15 pounds he sounds like a dog 4 times his size. When Max meets a new person he freaks out and jumps about 4 feet in the air. Most people never see it coming until he’s there.
          The final reason why Max is a devil is that he steals and eats everything! My family, friends, and I all have to hide anything and everything. He goes through bags looking for something to chew on, he goes through boxes, and even jumps on the counter top every once in a while. We literally cannot leave anything out.
          In conclusion there are many reasons why my puppy is evil. I can't believe he was the only dog in the whole pet store who wasn't barking. Within this past year he may have started to jump, bark, steal and eat everything in sight, but sometimes he can be simply adorable which makes up for all the bad.

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