Friday, January 13, 2012

Why Casey Why?!

Alyssa Czerwinski
Mrs.Hanson 4th hour
Authors note: 3 paragraph essay from a fellow team mate, Johnnie, to Casey explaining the main problem and the only causable solution to make the Midville nine win their baseball game in the short story Casey at the Bat.  

Dear Casey.
            Really, Really?!?! Why would you ruin everyone else’s chances of winning the baseball game!? I mean your story Casey at the Bat taught a lesson and all but that’s so ungrateful! Casey you made a huge problem for the Mudville nine. If you would have tried to hit the first and second ball then we wouldn’t be in this mess.
            You not trying to hit the first two balls are the main problem in this short story. The result was in a loss for the Mudville nine.  Come on Casey, your whole team believed in you! Now we will never make it to the finals! The only solution would be to try for the first two balls, but now we don’t even have that option.  I wish you would have just tried, it would change the way everyone feels about you.
            You are going to get grief about this for a long time Casey. I know if you could go back in time you would. But I also know that you were the cause of this huge problem that made us unable to win the last round before the finals. Casey I am very disappointed. Only if you just tried….
Sincerely, Johnnie(from your baseball team)

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