Friday, March 30, 2012

Did the Music Enhance the Poem?

"You don't know what you've got till it's gone," This quote from "Big Yellow Taxi" gave me the impression that this song is sad and depressing. I would never have expected that this song would be fast paced. Since I heard this song my mood about this song changed in a big way. 
Unlike "Field Below" were both the lyrics and the music were filled with despair. After hearing "Big Yellow Taxi" I noticed that the lyrics were  still upsetting but was put to a semi-fast paced song so it sounded less sad and more of a love story. I personally wish this song was put to a slow paced song so people could get the true emotions of how bad it hurts when someone you love is leaving or is gone.

Briarwood Invasion

Alyssa Czerwinski
Mrs.Reagles 2nd hour
Authors Note: Essay in the point of view of Massie Block from the Clique series when she finds out that Briarwood boys including her ex boyfriend have to start going to OTC (an all girl school where no one has ever been a cooed.) 
They are walking in acting like this was there school… but it isn’t. How could they walk in with their heads so high and eyes filled with confidence? If I walked into my brother school (Briarwood) I would be confident but they are acting like this is there school. I am the alpha of this school and these guys just think they can walk in like they’re the queen bees!
            I turned side to side to see if Alicia, Dylan, Kristen, or Claire noticed – they definitely did. Especially Claire, her bright blue eyes turned stone gray. I scanned the room for Layne. She didn’t seem to mind; she actually kind of looked happy. So did Alicia. Is my school being taken over? And worst of all is it being taken over by guys?
            The feeling of butterflies happened right behind my bellybutton. My head is spinning, how could this be happening? I stormed out of the room and went straight to the bathroom. Now that guys will be around EVERYONE will start acting different. My alpha status is in serious jeopardy. I need to come up with a plan and quickly.
            That’s when it came to me… the greatest plan I have ever came up with. Now all I have to do it tell the girls and the Briarwood-Octavian disaster will be over forever. But will it be as easy as it sounds?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What do Words Really Mean?

Alyssa Czerwinski
Mrs.Reagles 2nd hour
           Words, what do they really mean? "Life for me ain't been no crystal stair." is a famous quote from the poem Mother to Son by Langston Hughes when he says this he means that life wasn't as easy as people may think, there are challenges. The poem goes on uses the same stair idea to explain his mothers life. Only this time he explains that "It's had tacks in it, and splinters, and boards torn up, and places with no carpet on the floor --Bare." Langston is trying to say it there is many difficulties in life a lot like the first. When Langston wrote this he tried to see himself in his mothers shoes and figured being a divorced mother wasn't anything like a walk in the Park.

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Future of the Clique

Alyssa Cerwinski
Reagles 2nd hour
The Future of the Clique
The Clique… the only thing harder than getting in is staying in. In the first two books of The Clique series by Lisi Harrison, this quote didn’t explain half as much as I think Revenge of the Wannabes, the third book of this series, will. Even though I am only on page 55, I think that Alicia will start her new clique and all the people on her dance team will be apart and also that either Kristen or Dylan will join as well.
First of all within the first few pages of Revenge of the Wannabes you can feel the tension whenever anyone talks about Massie to Alicia. She acts furious about how Massie is the “leader” and she goes unnoticed. If you were constantly compared to someone else, how would that make you feel? I know I would feel fed up and would just want to start over even if that means a whole new group of friends.
Another reasons why I think this is because when Meredith said, “Well you’re prettier [than Massie], you have a ton of friends, your clothes are all designer, the briarwood boys are in love with you and you’re an amazing dancer.” This gave Alicia hope and I think that is how she got the courage to host her own sleepover and start a revolution. With all of the girls on Alicia’s dance team telling her how amazing she is, she must have felt like she was Massie. That gave her an adrenaline rush to take control.
The final reason why I think that Dylan will choose Alicia over Massie is because on the back of the book it states that Dylan thinks Massie is up to no good.This made me wonder if the author was just saying that to throw me off or that Kristin will actually go to Alicia’s new group. The only reason why I think that Kristin will go to Alicia is because Kristin told Alicia out of all the four girls that she liked Derek from Briarwood...who Dylan also used to like.
It is true: staying in the clique is harder than getting in. Although, Alicia doesn't want to be "in" anymore. To be "in" has gotten to be too much work; having always to be perfect, to suck up to Massie, and to be friends only with Dylan, Kristen, and Massie created far too much pressure and drama. Alicia needed to start fresh to be released from Massie's grip.

Melinda... What do you see when she walks through the door?

Authors Note:This is a writing piece that demonstrates what you would see if Melinda from Speak would look like if she were to walk into  using figurative language.
The door opens, and she walks in. She walks so swiftly almost as if she wishes to not be seen. Her hair covers her eyes until she takes her seat. I try not to stare but there is something different about her, I just can't put my finger on it. When she walks she stares at her feet, and wears clothes that you would see on a eleven year old. She lifted her head and her eyes were filled with the fear of being judged. I could tell she prayed not be to seen.
The Hunchback of Notradame has better posture then she does. I try to talk to her but she keeps blowing me off like I'm that annoying fly buzzing around the room. When she finally talked she sounded scared to death. I couldn't help but to wonder , why was she acting so odd? The teacher said her Melinda -- I figured that was her name. She nodded her head enough for Mr.Jones to see she was here.