Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Alike In Many Ways

Alyssa Czerwinski
Ms.Hanson 4th hour
Alike In Many Ways
Authors note: This is a five paragraph essay explaining how the books The Hunger Games and War Comes to Willy Freeman are similar and different.
            I never thought the book War Comes to Willy Freeman, by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier, and The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins, would be alike in so many ways. But little as I know it, they have many of the same themes. Some of the themes they have in common are the loss of innocence, and the importance of family. Although, there are numerous differences.
            First of all a huge similarity between these books is the importance of family. They both went to large lengths to save their families. Like Katniss, from The Hunger Games, took her sisters spot in the hunger games because she was twelve, the youngest age to join. Willy traveled the world to look for her mother not ever knowing if she was alive or not. It’s crazy how they could do something that thoughtful to try to save a family member.
            In addition’ another similarity is the theme of loss of innocence. Katniss, from The Hunger Games, had to mature when she was thirteen because of her dad dying. The way she matured is she started hunting, gathering, and selling. She may have done some of it illegally but she knew that’s what she had to do to save her family. When Willy’s dad, Jordan Freeman, died she just knew she had to run home and tell ma. But once she realized ma wasn’t there she knew there must be trouble and she started her journey across the U.S.
            On the other hand there are also many differences. Like how The Hunger Games is based on the future with little to no historical facts. This is the exact opposite of War Comes to Willy Freeman, it’s based on the past and has many historical events and people. Some of the people that were real are Jack Arabus  who was supposed to play Willy’s uncle, and Captain Thomas Ivers also was real.
            In conclusion there are many similarities between The Hunger Games and War Comes to Willy Freeman. Although there is also differences like weather is past tense or future tense. That is a couple of reasons why these books are alike and different.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Willy's Day in the Fort

Alyssa Czerwinski
Ms.Hanson 4th hour
Willy’s Day in the Fort
Authors note: three paragraph essay explaining how Willy’s Father’s death affected her life and explaining the climax of the story.
Wilhelmina was really affected by her dad’s death. Not only because it was at a time at war but also because she saw it happen. This scene takes place in the book, War Comes to Willy Freeman, by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier, on page 31. Being there in the fort during a war affected her life in many ways and also affected the climax of the story which is when she finally finds her mother.
If she would have stayed with her mother the day the British attacked her fort instead of going with her father she could stopped them from taking her mom. Finding her mom couldn’t be the climax of the story is she wasn’t taken away. Therefore the cause of this story is her day in the fort.
Imagine being Granny Hyde who has to tell Willy that her mom has been taken by the British. There was many effects because her pa dying such as, meeting her aunt and uncle, almost being captured by the British, and finally reuniting with her mom. But by far, the last of the effects, reuniting with her mom, was the climax of the story. This was the climax because when I read it made me feel happy. Just knowing that she is still alive amazed me.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Where’s Ma?

Alyssa Czerwinski
4th hour Hanson
Where’s Ma?
Authors note: Four paragraph explaining that the point of view of the book, “War Comes to Willy Freeman,” is important.
Sometimes books are written in multiple points of views. The book, “War Comes to Willy Freeman,” by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier, is only written in one view which is Wilhelmina Freeman’s also known as Willy. Because of that I know that she is a free black American, looking for her mother, and saw he dad die.
Being a free black citizen when Willy left no one really looked for her once she went on the voyage to find her mom. Since this book was written from the view of Willy you get to see her adventure that she goes on while looking for her mother. Also you can see why she personally thinks that the Americans are the good guys in this situation rather than the British.
If this book was written in a point of view of her mom, you wouldn’t be able to see  any of the adventures that Wilhelmina went trough. Also you would be able to see when she was taken what actually happened unlike right now where I can only imagine.  Or if it was in place of her dad it would be less than 32 pages long.
There is one more view that I think would be interesting is the British’s. Being able to kill a countless amount of people without any regret. Also I try to picture myself in the one British’s soldiers who found Willy in the war fort. Seeing just a child about to cry, terrified of what they shall do with her.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Johnny Realizes his Mistakes.

Authors Note: This is a five paragraph essay explaining why Johnny Cade from the book, “the Outsiders,” is a dynamic character.
        Sometimes people make mistakes. At times they realize them, and occasionally they don’t. In the book, “The Outsiders,” by S.E. Hinton, Johnny Cade realizes numerous of his. Johnny Cade is a dynamic character in this book for many reasons.
        Would you be able to kill someone? What if they were murdering someone you couldn’t live without? Picture this in your head, a huge group of tough guys going at you with a knife. What would you do? I would have done exactly what Johnny did. Johnny didn’t kill Bob intentionally; he just wanted him to back off of Ponyboy. If he didn’t Ponyboy probably wouldn’t have been around to write the book. “I had to. They were drowning you, Pony. They might’ve killed you. And they had a blade… They were gonna beat me up….” said Johnny once Ponyboy gained consciousness.
After Johnny killed Bob, he and Ponyboy had to sacrifice everything by running away.  “We’ll need money, maybe a gun, and a plan.” Johnny knew this is what he needed or else the Curtis family would be split up. They also realized they had to find Dally. He supplied them with all necessary pieces to fit into the puzzle. Johnny knew he needed to run and Dally helped to put the plan in motion.
        One person died because of them, but five people’s lives were saved from a fire in the church also by Ponyboy and Johnny. They knew they needed to help, even though Dally screamed not to. “Let’s go see what the deal is.” Said Ponyboy hopping out. “What for?” Dally sounded irritated “Get back in here before I beat your head in.” But they knew that the fire was started because of either their cigarettes, or they left a candle lit.
        Everyone makes mistakes. Most understand their own faults, although some don’t. Johnny from the book “The Outsiders,” by S.E. Hinton is a dynamic character because he has understood most of his fau

Friday, November 18, 2011

To be a Family

Authors Note: 4 paragraph essay explaining the "Definition  of a Family" as a theme in the book "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton.
Many people think of family in a way that you are only related by blood. Ponyboy from the book, “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hinton believes differently and so do I. His family is the greasers, without them he would be nothing. Families are the people that always have your back.
          When Johnny murdered Bob, Ponyboy was ready to run away with him in a heartbeat. When he ran away with Johnny I realized how good of a friend that Ponyboy really is. I know when ever my friends get bullied I always stand up for them, even if it was the biggest, meanest, and rudest kid in the school. Ponyboy would do that to for his friends too.
          Unlike most of the greasers I have both a mom and a dad. Ponyboy’s mom and dad died in a car crash about a year or so back. Ever since then, Ponyboys only family is the greasers. I think of my friends as my sisters. They know that I will always have their backs and I know they will always have mine. I know this because whenever I have ever been bullied they go ape on the person who made me sad, and angry.  The same way that the greasers are with each other.
The greasers know that they will always be there for one another. If you don’t feel that way with your friends or family who do you think will be? Ponyboy certainly is a good friend who will always have your back

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Top News: Heroes or Fugitives?

Authors Note: An example of the point of view from a news reporter after the fire in the church in the book "The Outsiders."
         Yesterday the church on Jay Mountain in Windrixville ignited in flames from an unknown source. The same day, students were on a class trip in a field nearby. After the teachers counted to see if they had everyone, five students were missing. The children had wandered to the church and were trapped inside. Two heroic boys, Johnny Cade and Ponyboy Curtis, broke a window and saved all the children. After rescuing the children, they became stuck and Dallas Winston, a friend of the heroes, arrived at the scene and pulled them to safety as well.
          When they were being taken to the hospital it was discovered that they were the ones who killed Bob Sheldon. Also, that it was self defense. The boys were attacked by Bob and his friends at the park on the east side of town, where they took Ponyboy to the fountain and tried to drown him. Johnny stabbed Bob with his pocket knife to save Ponyboy from drowning. So will the law treat them as heroes or fugitives?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Are You Proud of Your Country?

Authors Note: Essay explaining why I am proud of America.
Are you proud of your country? I am a proud U.S. citizen. The U.S. may have some flaws but it also has a lot of pros. We have freedom of speech, a democracy so we can pick who are president is. Also it has many great people who spend their free time helping others by volunteering.
If I wanted to say my opinion on the government in America I could. Unlike Cuba, where if you were to say anything about disliking the management of Cuba, harsh consequences would be brought upon the person who said it, even if their just a child! Being able to speak freely about my rights, and what I like.
Being able to pick who is the president my country is a very big deal. Being in a democracy is much better than being in a monarchy. If you are part of a monarchy you have no say about who is going to rule the country you live. It’s just the next person in line for the thrown, like for Queen Elizabeth the next person in line Prince William. I am very happy that I live in a country with a democracy.
“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart,” was once said by Elizabeth Andrew. This quote speaks to me because 26% of Americans volunteer. Volunteering is like a chain effect, once one person starts, more and more join in. This past summer my sister went on a mission trip with my church, after I heard how many fun and helpful things they got to do for Manderson, the city they visited, like helping around their soup kitchen, painting a house, and babysitting.
America is an amazing place to live. There is no doubt that I am proud of my country. I am proud of the many wonderful people, to be able to speak freely, and I am proud of the democracy that sticks all of us together and makes the great U.S.A. I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t be proud of America, but I know that I will always be.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Mysteries SO Aren't Her Thing!

Authors note: this essay is about why being able to see your dead mother can be bad.
Death is a hard to get over for anyone, especially for Sherry Baldwin. The book, “I So Don’t do Mysteries” by Barrie Summy proves this point because Sherry’s mom dies from being shot while she is on duty. This book shows the how hard it is to be able to see ghosts such as her mom.
Sherry once thought her life was very simple until she took a cup of coffee outside and accidently contacted her mother though the spirit world. Her mom informs her that she needs help to pass the academy of ghosts so she can be reincarnated. Being able to talk to her mom forced her go San Diego to solve a mystery about the rhinos at the zoo mysteriously dying. She had to spend almost her entire summer in San Diego away from all of her friends, and family
In conclusion death is something that takes a while to get past. But not that long when you get to still talk to the person that is desisted. In the book “I So Don’t Do Mysteries,” by Barrie Summy, Sherry realizes this on her journey to San Diego. Being able to see ghosts is something that not many people can do, and don’t something that most people want to be able to do.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Cheerleading is a Sport

Authors note: persuasive essay on why cheerleading should be considered sport.
Throwing girls in the air about 10 feet and looking pretty while doing it, isn’t as easy as it looks. Most beginning cheerleaders thinks their supposed to do is yell things like “Go!” and, ”Win!” at football and basketball games. When I started I was defiantly rudely awakened when my first practice was only conditioning. Cheerleading should be considered a sport because it takes a lot of strength, flexibility, and an outstanding memory.
Before the school year in 2009 I became involved with cheerleading. I knew most of the cheers because my sister used to be a cheerleader. I had to go to many of her practices because my mom was one of the coaches. But for most girls hey had to start from scratch, and learn all of our 50 cheers with motions in a two week time frame. Trust me, it is extremely difficult.
You may not know what strength has to do with a “girly” sport. Strength is actually a huge part of stunting. Stunting is my favorite part of cheerleading. I am normally a base or a back; they are the people lifting the girl who is the flyer. All the stunts my squad does include having a hard core and muscular arms and legs to lift the flyer. If we didn’t have those
The most important part of cheerleading is flexibility. Some things in cheerleading require more flexibility than others. But either way you need to stretch out for at least ten minutes before trying to do things like the splits, scorpion, or heal stretch. Almost every cheerleader I know can do the splits. The most common splits are the right because most people are right handed/footed, which makes it easier to stretch.
Therefore Cheerleading should be considered a sport. Even though it’s a frilly activity, it should be considered a sport. I don’t get how throwing about 90 pound girls in the air isn’t considered a sport but throwing a 14 ounce egg shaped ball is. You may not consider cheerleading a sport now, but someday you will see that it takes a lot more strength, flexibility, and memory than most sports.

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Princess Diaries

Alyssa Czerwinski
Authors note: Written as a fan note to Mia from the book “The Princess Diaries” about how being a princess isn’t that bad.
Dear Amelia,
I can’t even imagine waking up one day thinking you’re a just a simple 14-year-old Manhattan girl, then finding out that you’re a princess of a small country called Genovia. I know sometimes you wish you weren’t, but hey, there must be a couple perks, right? You get to travel the world and meet anyone you want to!  Plus you practically have dibs on ANY prince! Lucky!
To my understanding, you don’t seem to like your grandma very much. I think she means the best for you. She may make mistakes but she truly tries her hardest with you. She may seem strict during your princess lessons but she only is because she wants you to be the best princess that you can be.
My favorite part of your diary was when you found out you were a princess. I definitely think that was the climax. Even though this happened very close to the beginning of your journal, I think that that was the climax because that seemed to be the biggest part of the whole diary.
I think the resolution of the story occurred when the newspapers found out that you are a princess. You may have thought it was the worst thing in the universe, but once everyone found out, it actually helped you. You didn’t have to keep many secrets anymore and your friends could understand why you were acting weird lately.
Now you have the opportunity to be a role model for many young girls. Good luck being a princess.
Alyssa Czerwinski